I've seen a lot of elections. I worked in my first in 1984. at age 15. It grew out of us. My class doing a debate for the school. Voted into US. Presidential elections 88 and 2016. I've obviously been an observer. I was a judge in 2022, or I was simply abroad and couldn't vote. I lived in India when. When became president, ending. X years, the Congress party.
I was in Mexico City. The day that that Fox was elected president ending 70 years of the. Pre. Ironically named institutionally revolution party paradox. In 89. Before the fall of Berlin Wall, I was sending books. To recognize DC think tanks sending books to newly. Did the 1st? The first free elections in the communist world? 200 when Christina Kirchner's. Her brochures would say, change. Combio took. Took over husband. Both times are elected. My candidate got about 1% of the vote. So I don't. So I don't see my side in the other side. I see my side and 99 other sides. And that's just in the US? 99 is a multi faceted gem.