Is it within your dominion: spaces (or fields) that you can control—or influence?
This is the center of your sovereignty
Or outside those, where you likely can't?
If (in) your fields, can you map it? (at the four point of 🔶)
Head: What you know
Heart: What you love (&/or what loves you, what you try to love...)
Health: What you are?
Hand: What you have
If not your field(s), do you know what is the provenance (value chain of ownership)? e.g. a web page may have an article that you are reading, which has a writer and publisher, but also has a curator, advertisers, an ad network, may be distributed on a social network... They all earn, usually fractions of cents, from your attention reading that article—even if you do not click on any ads. You are paying that value chain with your attention—and you work extremely cheap: mere cents an hour.
See: ‣